Egyptian Musk Shea Butter Soap

January 23, 2018
by Jini Li

Demo of Egyptian Musk Shea Butter Soap

I just wanted to share that I have another website for my soap and body product Petals & Pebbles line. I don’t use any artificial coloring agents or fragrances in my products, and all scents are naturally derived from the natural ingredients used, such as shea butter, sweet almond oil, clays, botanicals and essential oils. My friends and family have been my testers over the past 3 years, and often say they want to “eat” my soaps! lol Some have commented about how aroma-therapeutical they are. I love that!

This particular soap contains a combination of essential oils known as Egyptian Musk. It contains Amber Oil (derived from various tree resin extracts), Ambrette Seed (musk seed), Cedar, Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, and Rose Petal essential oils, and Sweet Almond Oil.

This soap also contains Rose Kaolin Clay, a natural, deep cleanser that draws out toxins and impurities from the skin, helping to prevent blemishes and improving circulation. It absorbs excess oil, removes dead skin cells, improves circulation, tones and tightens the skin and creates a healthy glow, leaving the skin feeling smooth and supple.

Raw unrefined shea butter in soap is amazing! It provides you with antibacterial, antimicrobial, fungicidal properties that disinfect along with superb moisturizing properties that are left behind after the saponification process to provide your skin with nourishment and elasticity leaving it smooth and supple. You can feel confident using it for sensitive skin that needs to be disinfected, but is also in need of some gentle loving (sample test first if you have nut allergies!).

More facts about raw (unrefined) shea butter in soap

I’ve added a short video I made demonstrating the Egyptian Musk Shea Butter Soap I have been working on. The results got me so excited, I finally made my first soap video to post on YouTube and Facebook.

If you would like to check out my soaps because they are beautiful and smell awesome and work great, please visit my Petals & Pebbles Soaps and Body Essentials website at petalsandpebbles.com. I wish I could incorporate a sense of smell in the video!

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed it! Your thoughts would be much appreciated, so please share in the comment section below!

Jini Li

Jini: Author of Radiant Acquiescence and Petals & Pebbles websites. Lover of life, enthusiastic learner and curious adventurer. I love people, I love learning and I love life. I'm here to share and be a part of a positive, thriving community of people who want to grow and develop as individuals and as a part of the world community.

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